Master recruiting: expert tips and tricks for successful hiring

Master recruiting: expert tips and tricks for successful hiring

February 26, 2024
Hanna Tankovich
by Hanna Tankovich, Recruiting Team Lead
Building a strong team starts with hiring the right people. However, recruitment is not about just filling the positions. It is a complex process where the company’s requirements, candidate’s expectations, and recruiters’ abilities to find and retain suitable employees are deeply interlinked.
Below, you’ll find 18 valuable pieces of recruitment advice covering the key stages. Improving the hiring and onboarding process may take time, but in the long run, you’ll reap the benefits in the form of healthy team dynamics and a work environment promoting effectiveness.

Search: recruitment tips

Accurate search is the cornerstone of effective recruitment. The hiring manager tips listed below will help you speed up the process because, at the next stages, you’ll choose from initially suitable candidates.

Interview top performers and create personas

Interviewing highly qualified candidates is beneficial whatever the outcome is. You either get a great fit for the team or at least receive valuable insights into the role from top performers. This information will assist you in creating a candidate persona—a detailed description of the perfect experience, skills, personality traits, and reasons for motivation and frustration. This will create a real picture of the role with no need for additional assumptions.

Write straightforward, keyword-driven job descriptions

Look at the job description from the candidate’s perspective: is it concise and easily comprehensible? Make sure all the necessary responsibilities and requirements are explained clearly and accurately. Also, note that search engines will promote descriptions with relevant keywords, which helps reach a better audience. Candidates start with skimming through the description looking for specific responsibilities or tools, so keywords help you catch their attention as well.

Simplify your application process

Headhunting may seem daunting for candidates, but if that’s the case, you probably feel that way too. Candidates may struggle with filling out lengthy forms, and you’ll need a lot of time to process that information. Once you simplify the steps required to submit an application, candidates become more motivated, and communication becomes more personalized via phone screenings and interviews.

Refine your outreach strategy with InMail

InMail allows you to send LinkedIn messages directly to their email. It feels more personalized and helps you reach out to those who check their email more frequently than LinkedIn. For the same reason, it’s also a useful tip in case you target candidates who are not that active in their job search at the moment.

Use modern tools

Various applicant tracking systems (ATS) and AI-powered tools make it simpler to manage and analyze candidates throughout the whole recruitment process. Moreover, some talent management programs can help you find the right fit within your organization instead of hiring employees externally. For example, Talenteer allows you to search for the perfect fit for the role among current staff, saving time and making employees feel recognized for their skills and achievements.

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Attract: getting candidates to apply

Gathering a pool of applicants is an essential step, but that’s where mutual evaluation starts. Our next set of recruiter recommendations focuses on encouraging candidates to consider your offers and building stronger connections.

Stay in touch throughout the process

Regular and clear communication reduces tension and lays the foundation for a positive attitude and loyalty. So, the hiring advice here is to notify candidates about application statuses, timeframes for decisions from your and their side, updates on the next steps, and other aspects you find important.

Be flexible with your work environment

When writing a job description and requirements, discuss the team’s preferences regarding both the skill set and the operational features of the job. Review the possibility of hiring remote workers or those willing to have hybrid work. If the company can offer flexible hours or alternative work schedules, mention that too.

Search for people who will add to your culture

Skills and experience are as important as the ability to fit the cultural environment. Pay attention to the match in the company’s and candidate’s values, communication, and motivations. Building a team of people whose ethics and standards are on the same page helps to establish a positive and result-oriented atmosphere. However, remember to ensure diversity in the teams because it brings new experiences and perspectives.

Be transparent about compensation and benefits

Whether interviewing a potential full-time employee or a contractor, be upfront about salary ranges and benefits. Transparency eliminates disappointment from the candidate’s side and allows the company to continue communication with those whose expectations align with the offered compensation package.

Make your company stand out

Differentiate your company from others by highlighting unique selling points. It can be anything from the company’s mission and values to a flexible work environment and highly-qualified teams. When creating a candidate persona, you can learn more about vision and priorities, which will make it simpler to find common ground.

Communicate a strong employee value proposition

Articulate the benefits emphasizing a win-win collaboration. While the company needs top talents, it also demonstrates a commitment to employee satisfaction. To attract a distinguished candidate, mention clear opportunities for growth within the organization, benefits supporting work-life balance, or professional development programs.

Ask insightful questions

Although this tip is applicable only in the middle of the process, it stands out among all the other elements of recruitment strategies. Ask questions that will help you evaluate the candidate’s decision-making and problem-solving abilities, experience, skills, and alignment with the company’s values. Candidates will notice if your questions are based on a detailed analysis of their CV and a cover letter, which contributes to their positive attitude and motivation.

Think like a marketer

Recruiting guides may provide helpful instructions and perspectives, but you also need to develop a marketer’s mindset to promote the role and the company better. Marketing principles will aid you in assessing candidates better, making messaging more persuasive, and using omnichannel techniques effectively.

Set clear and realistic timelines

Establish realistic deadlines for each stage of the recruitment process. Whether it be a review of applications, interviews, or timelines for final decisions, this system will allow you to keep everything on track. Moreover, it will set clear expectations for the candidates and will keep them more engaged in the process.

Retain: keeping employees happy and engaged

The recruitment process doesn’t stop when both sides sign the documents. Now, it’s time to make sure a new hire fits the team and cultural environment and that your expectations from each other are met. The following staffing tips increase the chances of not only building an effective team but also maintaining it successfully.

Show you care for employees’ well-being

The first step to retaining top talent is to demonstrate commitment to their well-being outside of work. It may include flexible hours, appropriate workload, wellness and mental health programs, professional training, and an overall supportive environment that promotes employee satisfaction.

Dedicate time to employees from day one

Invest enough time to help new employees feel welcome in the team. You can assign mentors, have regular 1-1 communication, and encourage managers to create straightforward agendas and metrics for the first weeks of employment.

Provide growth and talent development opportunities

Analyze and articulate future opportunities for vertical and horizontal career growth. To support such transitions and development, you may use internal and external training programs, workshops, and mentorship initiatives. Regular feedback from employees and discussions about their hardships and aspirations will help both sides make the most of their full potential.

Practice collaborative hiring

Collaborative practices for recruiters involve teamwork with current employees in the hiring process. This approach has several dimensions. First, you can search for the right fit within the organization. Second, encourage team members to participate in interviews to assess candidates beforehand. Third, you may consider referral bonuses which will promote a sense of belonging and engagement and can bring you more potential fits.

In conclusion

Effective hiring combines in-depth research, transparent communication, and a strong focus on both the employer’s and employees’ satisfaction. Try the above tips to maximize the recruiting process by using both internal and external recruitment sources, finding better candidates, making attractive offers, and retaining top talents to make your company stand out and contribute to its success.
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